Anil Cancer Clinic

Cancer Detection Camp

Camp conducted in conjunction with Mr Prakash Gangadhare dynamic Corporator on the occasion of his birthday.

Live Laporoscopic Surgery Colorectal Surgery Program

From the desk of Dr Anil Heroor !! It was a privilege and great pleasure to conduct a surgical colorectal cancer workshop and CME in Dhaka medical College, Bangladesh premier institute! The organisation was great, case selection wonderful , participants eager to learn , interaction lively and the hospitality fantastic… What more could a surgeon […]

Udyog Maitrin” magazine released

It’s a proud moment in our journey of 20 years! To have our work recognised and put on the cover page of the renowned “Udyog Maitrin” magazine released by the Hon Minister Govt of Maharashtra -Shri Uday Samantji. Our sincere thanks to the Editor Mrs Sarika Bhoite-Pawar and her team for chronicling the journey from […]


From the desk of Dr Anil Heroor !! Honoured to be invited as faculty for GIFTCON 2022 a wonderful meeting with a perfect mix of great academics and warm hospitality! Interacting with teachers friends and colleagues across the globe made it very interesting! The location of Goa also made it possible to combine it with […]

One day workshop

Dr Anil Heroor Was invited as faculty to a one day workshop on a developing technology that is changing the way surgery is done . ICG or indocyanine green is another step towards precision surgery helping surgeons to give better results and safer surgery. Was inspired by all the great talks by great minds in […]

Masicon 2022 Conference

MASICON the annual conference every surgeon in Maharashtra waits for ! It was a well organised meeting at Pune with over 1000 surgeons participating. Was privileged to conduct a panel on ‘Improving outcomes in Colorectal cancer surgery’ . Kudos to Dr Kolte and Pune Surgical Society and Dr Samir Rege for the meeting. Thank you […]

Physical Conference of Mumbai Surgical Society

Was a privilege to be a part of the physical conference Of the Mumbai Surgical Society . Moderated a panel discussion on “Robotic surgery “. Really a pleasure to meet old friends and catch up on the latest !

Feliciated by Saam Team

It feels amazing when your are humble & kind efforts to uplift society are being rewarded. Honoured and blessed to see Dr. Anil Heroor being felicitated by Saam Team for his contribution to society.

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