Anil Cancer Clinic



Immunotherapy is a medicinal intervention that targets cancer by stimulating the immune system. It entails the use of medications or other therapies to boost, adjust or stimulate the immune response, assisting the immune system in identifying and eliminating infections or cancerous cells. As an alternative to conventional therapies like radiation and chemotherapy, this strategy may show great promise.

Subtypes Of Immunotherapy:

Benefits And Downside Of Immunotherapy:

Immunotherapy Treatment Methods & Side Effects:

Immunotherapy Medications:

Do's And Dont's Post Immunotherapy:


Frequently Asked Questions

No, but immunotherapy can be used to control malignancy and extend life. It inhibits the proliferation of cancer on occasion.

Immunotherapy may be an effective treatment for malignancies that have not responded to conventional therapy or have returned after conventional therapy.

Not all malignancies respond well to immunotherapy, and not everyone who receives immunotherapy will be successful.

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