Anil Cancer Clinic

Zonal Conference 2022 at Jodhpur

From the desk of Dr Anil Heroor !!
Another weekend in academics … This time thanks to the marvels of technology the travel was limited!
Was honoured to demonstrate a Thoracolaparoscopic esophagectomy at the Society of Endolaparascopic surgeons of Bangladesh (SELSB) annual conference. Thanks to President SELSB Prof Jamal and Secretary Prof Samiron for the opportunity Was great to interact with respected seniors and contemporaries like Prof Nayeem and prof Minhas and others .
The other great meeting was our own IASO Zonal conferance in Jodhpur . Was a part of an interesting panel discussion on colon cancer by Prof Saklani from Tata . Thank you Dr Jeewan from AIIMS Jodhpur and IASO for the invite.?

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